Scripture Study

Scripture Study: Living God’s word!

Scripture studies are more in-depth analyses of God’s Word. In the bible there are many scriptures that need deep thought and discernment. Much like life, we need to have the time and make the effort to learn and ponder on what massages God want to deliver us through the bible.

Scripture studies simply can be referred to as not only the study, but the embodiment of the word. As mentioned earlier, it is the analysis of God’s Word, which entails also learning how to apply it in daily life. These studies not only to allow us to read and learn about God’s life, but also help us live his teachings and truth.

Scripture studies are held mostly through bible studies. This scripture bible study targets the understanding of the word in a centric sense, meaning that each scripture bible study session tends to focus on one scripture that is found in the bible, and the pastor or religious leader will discuss it in such a way, that it would be easily understood by the laymen.

For the Catholics, there is what you may call catechism, in which they teach and learn about the Bible through the formal classroom setting. This is scripture study catholic style. In catechism they also teach about praying the rosary the novenas, and generally the doctrine of the Catholic Church.

In addition, in the scripture study catholic sense, they discuss the session with such passion and conviction, that anyone who listens will not resist believing as well. This is why it is advisable to attend these bible studies whether Catholic or not because it helps you commune with other believers, and makes you feel God’s presence even more.

If you think about it, studies in the scriptures were begun by Jesus Christ himself through His ministry. He exemplified His teachings in such a way, that the man need not explain himself to anyone else because he already was living God’s word.

This is the main goal of studies in the scriptures. We study and learn about God not just for the sake of learning. Through these studies the teachers will assist us primarily to help us embody Christ in our day to day lives, for us to be able to become who we truly are in
His eyes, the children of the Lord.

In that respect, it is now our mission as Christians to be a prime example of Godly living. We might not fit to teach, but we can always live the teaching and inspire others into living the Christian life.