Online Search

The Online Search for answers!

There is an ongoing online search for the most viewed videos in the web. One of which are the sermons of evangelical preachers, that could be seen on the various religious websites. These videos are incredible sources of daily inspiration, but none can compare to actually reading the biblical scriptures.

I have gone through an online search myself and saw that there are fast growing numbers of “bible online” readers throughout the world. These individuals simply conduct an online scriptures search in the hope of finding the answers to their questions.

Because of this, there is a number of online bible websites also sprouting all over the net. Since there are many versions of the bible online, there also are many websites catering for these many versions as well. One website that I stumbled on is the King James online bible.

But with this many versions of the bible, how do we determine the true meaning of the word? Which version do we believe? That is what the online bible study is for. It helps us understand the word of God even more, through the eyes of the preachers that give lectures in cyberspace.

Online bible study aids church leaders in gathering the faithful. It bridges the gap between and among the faithful, of different races and skin color. This proves that nothing can prevent the word of God from spreading.

Moreover, we as true Christians believe that there is nothing impossible with the Lord. This is what a Christian bible study teaches us. What is very confusing about the term Christian bible study is that you would not know what the main difference of the aforementioned term with other bible studies.

Further research shows that each bible of each religious sect has a different interpretation of God’s word. Perhaps this is where the difference lies.

This is why we also have to be wary of the way in which bibles are read and interpreted, especially with online scriptures search. Given that there are many bible versions, it can be assumed that the search engine would present many versions of the scriptures, based on the bible.

It is for this reason that the person concerned really has to discern what he or she believes rather than what her pastor or priest tells her to believe.

Ultimately, it is not the religious leader or the religion that decides what we believe in. It is us our own conviction and faith. The leaders are merely teachers that serve to guide us toward the right path.